One Last Dive

Who knew when we arrived in May that Gary and I would log 40 dives each while here in Grenada? We were very lucky to hook up with Eco Divers. Today was our last dives and we went out with Dirk, Keone and “Capt” Ron. Just us. Talk about feeling special.

Some of our dive buddies, Hansel, Keone, “Capt” Ron, and Dirk
This is a hole in the bottom of the boat during a wreck dive
Azure vase sponge. The vibrant color really stands out
A Gunnar fish sitting on a sponge
Porcupine fish are so cute


Spotted eagle ray swimming away
Visibility was tough but there really is an eagle ray in the picture!

One of the nice things about being anchored out is that whenever it rains we get a beautiful rainbow or two. Since it’s been raining every day and sometimes twice a day that’s a lot of rainbows. It’s also quiet and peaceful and I’m back in my happy place!

Rainbow off Glover Island, Grenada
Sundowner at Tru Bleu Bay, Grenada
Sunset Tru Bleu Bay, Grenada

The other thing we’ll say a fond farewell to is our sushi restaurant at the end of the dock, Yolo. We consistently got really good sushi and a chance to share it with “friends”.

Our sushi restaurant buddy
Our sushi buddy brought a friend, a tiny little calico barely big enough to eat raw fish

This will be our last night on the hook until we leave on Sunday. We have to go back into the marina onto the “super yacht” dock and fuel up and see if we can get our davit fixed. It broke yesterday when we tried to put the dinghy back on top of the boat. If not, we’ll be towing the dinghy until we get to St Marteens Island in February. Oh well. At least it broke with the dinghy in the water-not on top- and not halfway up!