Bequia on the Rebound

Bequia is a pretty island next to St Vincent and our last stop in the Grenadines before heading to St Lucia for the holidays.

We arrived and immediately caught up with our friends Darcy and John on s/v Island Dream. The next day as we were heading back from lunch we ran into Meryl and Jim on m/v Kokomo. They were in Port Louis with us for a couple months and came to Bequia to get their boat painted.

Other friends Rose and Scott with s/v Cloudshadow are here also getting varnish work done so we’ll meet them for dinner one night.

Dinner with Rose, Scott and friends at Bequia.

We got in a couple dives that were pretty even though the water was rough.

We’re not sure what this is but it was off the channel in Bequia
There really is an octopus in the middle there!
The porcupine fish always look like they are smiling.

We’ve been pretty lazy this week. We first anchored on the east side of Admiralty Bay but after a couple days moved to the west side where it was calmer. The wind has been pretty fierce with gusts to 47 knots last night. That means keeping a very close eye on the anchor bridle for chafing and checking the anchor alarm every so often to make sure we’re not dragging. Apparently one of the boats near us dragged their anchor about 4am this morning and had quite a fire drill to get the boat back in place and re-anchored, something that’s not easy to do in the dark. Gary watched while I slept through it all!

We’re waiting for the weather to calm a bit so we can head up to St Lucia on Friday or Saturday as it’s supposed to get knarly again next week. With all the wind Rudy has been in his bag. We flew him for the first two nights and that was it. Hopefully it will be sheltered enough in Marigot Bay, St Lucia so he can come out for Christmas.

Christmas with the Churches! 2019 Grenada