St Kitt’s and St Barth’s

St Kitts mega marina looked a little more full this time around.
Rainbow over Sint Eustatius on the way to St Kitts

We spent some quality time in St Kitts’s last spring on the way down so this was just a quick stop at the mega yacht marina for a break and provisioning. Unlike last spring there were many yachts in dock. We did have a nice dinner at the Hyatt property one night. A huge place with very few people. We wonder how they stay in business?

We met a very nice couple at the Hyatt and shared dinner with them. Meeting new people is always interesting. On the way out we stopped at the gift store and spent all of our remaining EC as that was the last island we could use it. Two cigars and three bags of peanut M&M’s later  we were ready to move on to St Barth’s.

Lunch at St Barths

We skipped St Barth’s on the way down so were interested to see what it was like. It has a reputation as the playground of the rich and it is deserved. There are more mega yachts here than we’ve encountered anywhere else and it’s not a large island. We anchored in Anse de Colombier on the north of the island as Gustavia is a very rolly anchorage and the marina was full. Unfortunately it’s a three mile dinghy ride to get back to the town so we didn’t do it often.

St Barths where the big boats come to play

The island is very upscale with lots of good restaurants with hefty prices. High end stores line the main street, Gary calls it the Rodeo Drive of the Caribbean, and everyone is dressed to be seen. Not really some place we’d come back to but it was worth seeing.

Downtown St Barths
Shopping district, St Barths
Bare boys of St Barths

Every day major yachts have come in and anchored next to us, some for the day, some longer. It’s been fun to watch the crews scurrying around, cleaning constantly and waiting on their guests. It’s also been interesting watching some of the smaller boats here in the anchorage. Like the catamaran that came in flying a rainbow flag with six bare assed guys. We’ve witnessed a fair amount of nudity on various boats but this took it to a whole new level. And so we were entertained.

We have turtles off the side of the boat every day and if we toss food overboard there is a feeding frenzy with all the fish. We’re also seeing dolphins between the islands now. It’s comical to see them surface and then beeline straight for our boat to play in the bow waves.

While here a major wind storm blew through so we’ve been sitting for a few days. Perhaps a few too many but the seas are calming and we leave tonight at midnight to move on to St Croix.