Time For Something Different

Emerald Bay Golf Course

We spent eight days anchored off Sand Dollar Beach on Stocking Island. It was great because we were a relatively short dinghy ride from Georgetown, home of Exuma Market, a good grocery store. I define a grocery store as one that has carts. Markets do not have carts. Exuma Market gets restocked several times a week so we were able to get fully provisioned before leaving.

We also scored a data brick from ALIV which will give us extensive wifi service for the rest of our trip instead of relying on GoogleFi or marina wifi which is usually non-existent. That means we are back to watching Netflix. Yea!

While in Georgetown we were able to reconnect with friends from Port City Marina, Linda and Kevin, as well as friends we had made at Cave Cay, Bob and Deb.

ARG (Alcohol Research Group) meeting on Sand Dollar Beach.

The weather has not been conducive to make the jump over to Rum Cay or Conception so we decided to move back up the Exuma chain until we get a weather break and then we’ll skedaddle over to Eluthera for the last part of this trip.

So today finds us at Emerald Bay Marina where we’ve been for a couple days. We have managed to get two days of golf in as well as a few good meals at the local resort restaurant. Tomorrow we will move to Rudder Cay in anticipation of the next blow and anchor out.