Signing Trees

We just left Allan’s Pensacola Cay where we’ve been for the last three nights. It was a beautiful anchorage, well protected from the east winds.

Since we were going to be there for a few days we dropped the dinghy in the water and took a ride over to shore to check out the “signing trees”.

Never pass up a chance to play with the dinghy

Apparently people make signs with their names, boat name and date and hang them on the trees. Kind of an “I was here” memento. Some are elaborate and obviously made long before landing and some are last minute using whatever materials are at hand. It was a trek across the cay through the trees but worth it to see. An added benefit was the oceanside beach.

Floats make good signs
But some are more elaborate


The beach at Allan’s Pensacola Cay
It’s good to take a walk after being on the boat for a few days












Also near shore we saw quite a few turtles of varying sizes, the smallest being about 18 inches across. While snorkeling to check out the anchor set I saw lots of conch shells and sand dollars. I was going to grab one to decorate the boat but after reading that the shell needs to be boiled to clean it, decided the smell wouldn’t be too nice in my galley. Maybe I’ll just buy one at the next stop.

The beginning of the trail to the signing trees. Some one obviously has a sense of humor!