Treasure Cay

The wifi is out on the boat so the next few updates won’t have pictures for awhile as this is being done from the restaurant on Treasure Cay. Parts are coming Monday so hopefully it will be back up and running early next week.

We spent a few days on a mooring ball in Black Harbor at Green Turtle Cay. The nearby town, New Plymouth, offered quaint restaurants, grocery stores and a chance to stretch our legs. Rented a golf cart the first day to go to the other end of the cay and check out White Harbor, the Green Turtle Yacht Club and have lunch.

Gary settling in at Green Turtle Cay

North Bahamas from West End down was somewhat isolated with lots of uninhabited cays and local settlements until Green Turtle Cay which has the feel of an expat community. Obviously a fair amount of money. That upscale civilization has continued to Treasure Cay and Guana Cay.

We’re finding that we enjoy the smaller cays and anchoring out as opposed to being at a marina or on a mooring ball in a harbor. The solitude is amazing as are the sunsets and stars. There’s always a breeze and with our dinghy we can always run in to any town for a meal or shopping, socialize with the locals and then retreat to the boat.

Dinner in the harbor at Green Turtle Cay

The big storm that is hitting the East Coast this weekend is going to give us some pretty hefty winds. We’re anchored outside the harbor here at Treasure Cay where we’re somewhat protected. We thought to stay at the marina here but everyone seems to have had the same idea and there is no room. So we’ll stay with the boat Saturday and Sunday to make sure the anchor holds. It needs a good cleaning inside anyway so the time will be well spent. Then on to Guana Cay Monday to pick up my brother and spend the week motoring around and checking out tiki bars.