Mother Nature Isn’t Funny Anymore

Yes, our friends and family north are having a nasty winter but I’m here to tell you your nor’easters are killing us here in the Bahamas.

After spending a windy weekend on Treasure Cay it calmed down here and we spent a relatively nice week with my brother travelling from Guana Cay to the south side of Marsh Harbor. Only a couple days of wind and even that wasn’t too bad. But it did keep us away from a couple really pretty anchorages as they weren’t protected from the not-normal wind direction.

Giving my brother the tour into Marsh Harbor

Check out the video clip below for waves blowing in from offshore.


Then this morning we woke to stormy weather and the winds have been building from the north all day. We’re hoping that when the front passes thru later this evening the wind goes with it as we’d like to leave tomorow morning to head south to Eleuthera but need calmer weather as we’re traversing a long run in open water.

Right now we’re in the marina at Marsh Harbor and I’m sitting here listening to the wind blowing thru the masts of the sailboats around us. It sounds like the Furies and they’re not happy.

The following video clip is of the storm while we were in harbor (thank goodness).


Update: we made it through the storm but it was a rough night. Had to get up several times to tighten ropes and at one point move the boat off one of the pilings as the rub rail was sitting on it and the boat kept trying to pitch sideways. Quite the thrill!