Spanish Wells in the Rearview

As I write this we’re underway leaving Spanish Wells on Eluthera. Spanish Wells is a beautiful little spot and if you’ve never been there should put it on your list. The locals are super friendly, plenty of shops a few good restaurants and of course crystal clear water and pink sand beaches.

We anchored outside the harbor and dinked into town. As is becoming our MO, we rented a golf cart the first day and rode all over the island picking out places to see and things to do. We could get most everywhere with the dinghy so life was good.

The beaches here are just so pretty. I was able to jump in the water and swim every day so I’m happy!

Crystal clear water and pink sand beaches-Spanish Wells

At lunch one day this little fellow swam up almost on shore. Seems he and a friend had their own personal little harbor that they hang around in. I think he was looking for a handout. Either that or a plump tourist.


Small shark at lunch off Spanish Wells
Siesta time Spanish Wells
Lagoon in front of restaurant Spanish Wells

We’re headed to Booby Island about 27 miles away for an overnight. We have a couple different anchorages picked out closer to Nassau and when the wind decides what it really wants to do we’ll pick one of them and hole up for a few days.

Oh and I lied about the dolphins. We saw a pod on the way from Abaco to Eluthera. Apparently they stick more to the deep water here as opposed to the US where they are everywhere. Who knew?