Dolphins and Crystal Clear Water

This entry is overdue and I have no excuse except depression over leaving the Bahamas. It was a wonderful trip and we look forward to heading back that way in the fall….

March 31st we overnighted on Paradise Island on Nassau before heading north. Casino, restaurants and shops galore. Lots of really big boats too. Reminded me of a mini Las Vegas.

The next day saw us headed to Chubb Cay. A large pod of dolphins visited with us, surfing the bow wave for about ten minutes. They were beautiful to watch and we’ve never had so many visit at one time before.

Dolphins surfing the bow wave.

We anchored just south of Chubb on Hog Cay. The water was the most pristine we’ve seen yet. You could clearly see the fish and a ray on the bottom through 15 feet of water. Needless to say we swam and snorkled a lot both that day and the next before moving to the Chubb Cay Marina. High winds dictated we dock for a couple nights.

Fifteen feet of water and it was this clear!
Gary with his hookah checking the bottom of the boat

With a break in the weather Wednesday we headed for Bimini to again dock for two nights and wait for the wind to calm enough to allow a smooth passage across the gulf stream back to Florida.

Walking the beach on Bimini

Both Chubb Cay and Bimini had lots of fishing boats and being spring break, lots of families. The marinas have hotel rooms and pools for the non-fishermen of the families but that is about it. Each only had one restaurant and nothing in the way of towns or things to do not boat oriented except for the small casino on Bimini. Never the less it was fun and we had friends onboard so we were constantly on the lookout for rum punch!

Now we’ve been in Ft Lauderdale at Gillen Diesel for the past week undergoing routine maintenance and a few cosmetic fixes. We’re leaving today to anchor out and catch the fuel barge first thing tomorrow before heading north.

Nothing like anchoring next to the landing zone for the seaplanes! Bimini, Bahamas