Storms, Tides and a Safe Marina

Well we got to Jekyll Island but there was no room at the marina so we anchored out overnight just off the channel. There was a storm coming in and we rode it out “on the hook” as they say. We have a really good, strong anchor and have gotten fairly proficient at setting it so we weren’t unduly concerned even tho we were getting wind gusts in the 40k-50k range. We anchored early in the day, watched the tidal changes and knew we had enough water. There were a couple other boats anchored with us one being a smaller trawler next to us.

Once the storm hit and we were getting the winds, we noticed that the boat next to us (now in front of us) had broken loose and was drifting directly for our boat sideways to our bow. It was raining so hard you could barely see but we hit our horn a few times and got their attention. At that point all we could do was watch as the captain scrambled to gain control of his boat and move it to a safer location and reset the anchor. It was a tense 10-15 minutes and he missed our boat by only a few feet, a couple times.

So it was a nice moment the next morning when we pulled into the Jekyll Island Marina for a few nights to let the weather calm.

We’ve also caught up with  friends on Last Mistake that will be traveling offshore with us tomorrow up to Hilton Head. Fingers crossed for a pleasant, calm day!

Love the pelicans!