The Well Traveled Cat

After 18 years of living in the same house, sleeping in the same cubby, wishing she could get to the same chipmunks, our cat Isabella has started on a grand adventure. Since losing our other cat, Whitby, in December she hasn’t been doing well when left alone for more that a long day. So where we go she now goes.

Her first adventure was flying from our home in Springfield, Virginia to Ft. Lauderdale to pick up our new to us boat. American Airlines gets big kudos for friendliness and ease of bringing her on the plane in her carrier. She fit under the seat in front of me and was quiet thru the entire flight.

Certain precautions were made prior to flight. Anti nausea meds, carrier lined with doggie pee pads and a custom cover were great advice from our vet. Everything worked great except when on the ride to the airport she dug up the corner of the pee pad, and peed on her carrier and me because I had it on my lap trying to calm her. As Gary so often says, “no good deed goes unpunished”. So we arrived at the airport not as fresh as when we left the house. A quick trip to the “family” restroom so I could take her out of the carrier and change the pads and we were on our way. I also found a small Lysol spray after clearing security that helped with my pants and her carrier.

Once on the boat we set her up in the master stateroom with food, water and litter box. She promptly decided that the center stateroom with twin beds was more to her liking and curled up on one of the beds and went to sleep.

Isabella watching for dolphins
Tough life!

Other than the first day underway on the boat when we hit big waves and got tossed around a bit she has done incredibly well. She still sleeps most of the day either in “her” stateroom or on our bed. When she’s up and around she comes up to the main area of the boat to help Gary with manning the helm or me in the kitchen.

She’s poked her nose out the open doors but we’ll wait until stationary to see how she does with the outside. Although she has her own life jacket she’s not super happy about wearing it. Maybe it’s not her color, who knows?