Goodbye Wilmington

After our offshore run to Wilmington we anchored out at Wrightsville Beach overnight before running up the Cape Fear River to Wilmington. We had been followed by a flock of seagulls into Masonboro Inlet and thought they just confused us with a shrimpboat. Found out later several small fish (3-4 inches) had beached themselves on the swim platform. Forgot to get a picture before performing a mass burial at sea!

Seagulls trying to take fish off the swim platform

We had a really nice week in Wilmington. The hurricane damage was tough but the recovery is in process. Trees down, houses missing roofs and business signs either severly damaged or missing entirely. Only a few businesses are still not open and things are getting back to normal.

That really doesn’t belong there. Florence damage
Evidence of damage from Florence
NCHSS Championship with Grace at Pinehurst

While in Wilmington we had the opportunity to finally see one of our granddaughters, Grace, play in the NC State High School Golf Championship at Pinehurst #3. Although we’ve played with her often we’d never seen her play in a competition. It was fun to watch her focus and concentration as she went toe to toe with some of the best in the state.

Isabella keeps a close eye on anyone working on the boat!

Another thing we took advantage of was having all the teak railing varnish stripped. I had done about a quarter of it while we sat at Deltaville and AYB waiting for hurricane Michael to pass but there was still a lot to do. It’s kind of like stripping wallpaper using a heat gun and a scraper. We like the look of the raw teak as it weathers to a pretty grey and requires minimal maintenance this way. On a boat that is huge!

By the time you read this we’ll be at Bald Head Island for a quick overnight before heading down the coast tomorrow. Next stop Georgetown SC and then Charleston. We’ll probably anchor out at Georgetown for a couple days and wait for a bettor weather window.

Cormorants come to visit at the end of a long day