Stuck in Ft Lauderdale

Imagine moving out of your house for a few weeks. What would you do? We rented a furnished apartment here in Ft Lauderdale while work is being performed on the boat. Bottom paint, equipment enhancements and a few new goodies to make life in the islands easier.

The trouble is that dealing with boat yards is a lot like dealing with home contractors. If they say two weeks it will take four. If they say $10,000 it will be $20,000. You get the idea. It was supposed to be two weeks, I allowed three and it will probably take four. Needless to say none of us are happy.

At least the apartment is okay, has a pool and even a small back yard that is fenced in for Isabella. It does have fake grass tho which really freaked her out the first time she went out. She kept tip toeing across it to get from the tiles to the mulch border.

We played golf yesterday for the first time in awhile. Golf in Florida is very different from golf in Virginia. Flat course, fair amount of water and strange creatures to make it interesting.

He apparently likes golf balls!

So we’ll probably be here a couple more weeks before heading south where it truly is warm and the water is beautiful.