Goodby Bahamas-Hello Turks and Caicos

January 30-

We had to lay over a day at Atwood Bay on Crooked Cay where we were lucky enough to watch a local fisherman harvest two large spiney lobsters. Since we were on the back of our boat watching he came to our boat first to offer them for sale. For $20 we got two 2 lb lobsters. A deal! So surf and turf was the menu that night. We then spent two nights again at Abrahms Bay, Mayaguana waiting for the seas to calm but this morning we said goodbye to The Bahamas and had a beautiful, calm day motoring down to Providenciales, Turks &Caicos. We’re at Turtle Cove Marina for two nights to clear customs and immigration and get provisions and then we’ll cruise around and hopefully get some diving in.

T&C only lets you stay 7 days on a cruisers permit unless we want to spend $300 to stay longer. We’re meeting friends in the Dominician Republic so 7 days sounds about right.

Getting into this marina was a new and different challenge as it is inside a reef system. We had to ride the waves in thru a notch on the reef behind a pilot boat. The pictures don’t do it justice.

Waves to the left of us….
Waves to the right of us…
Stuck in the middle with Gary!
Pilot boat showing us the way thru the coral heads

January 31st

Just got back from the best supermarket I’ve seen since leaving the states. We will be eating well for the next week or two!