Island Life

July 23, 2019

As mentioned in an earlier post our boat is docked stern in sandwiched between two other boats. It gets quite tight and as the marina fills up it gets more interesting trying to fit boats in existing open slots. The catamaran that was on our port side departed and another, larger catamaran has arrived to take its place. Gary gets a kick put of watching the activity so much so that he generally grabs his drink, pulls up a chair and settles in for the entertainment whenever a new boat arrives.

Gary checking out boat docking skills, Port Louis Marina, Grenada

We’ve been enjoying the diving each week and are on a schedule for two dives every Monday morning. On Wednesdays we generally play golf. Fridays are grocery/market day and once in awhile I’ll check out the seafood market in town.

One of our most recent dive trips took us to an underwater sculpture garden. It can be accessed either by snorkeling or diving so it’s a shallow dive but very interesting. Subject to surge and storms the sculptures move, get covered up, uncovered etc so it’s always evolving.

“Amerindian Petroglyphs”, Sculpture Garden, Grenada
“Amerindian Petroglyphs” Sculpture Garden, Grenada
Woman on bench taking selfie with Gary photo bombing, Grenada
“The Nutmeg Princess” Sculpture Garden, Grenada
Betty gets in on the pictures, Sculpture Garden, Grenada

In between we clean the boat, work on the boat and laze around. We’ve been checking out the local restaurants, meeting new people and socializing with all the other boaters. Time is moving on rather quickly.

With the rainy season in full swing we’ve experienced a few big storms with thunder and lightening. The island just gets greener and lusher with more fruits and vegetables available each week at the local markets instead of relying on what is shipped in. Of course the golf course is really benefiting from the water. We’ve also picked up a couple additional golfers for our Wednesday game as our neighbors, Olive and Richard, enjoy a long walk too.

Golf course before rainy season, Grenada
Golf course greening up, Grenada







And here are some more dive pictures!

EcoDive picks you up wherever your dive ends. Grand Mal Grenada
One of our rare “calm seas” dives. Grand Mal Grenada
Lion fish look a bit like anemones until you look closer. Grand Mal Grenada
Lots of fan coral at Grand Mal Grenada
Hansel takes the captain’s chair on the wreck of the Merrell Bay, Grenada