A Tropical Storm Is Coming? Let’s Go Diving!

Our friend Justin came for a visit and brought tropical storm Karen. We’d been watching the weather reports and decided it wouldn’t be a bad storm so much as a slightly uncomfortable storm. Lots of rain and wind but we are so protected in our marina it really wasn’t a big deal.

Justin arrived on Saturday and we went out for a nice lobster dinner that night at a local favorite, Aquarium.

Dinner at Aquarium with Justin

We were worried that the storm would stir things up too much to dive on Monday so moved it up to Sunday morning. As we were heading out of the harbor on the dive boat we saw all the local fishing boats coming in to anchor inside the marina area. We all looked at each other thinking “what are we doing?”

It was a rough ride out to the first dive site and I was glad I had taken some anti-sea sick medicine, but once in the water it was no big deal. It was a little challenging getting back on the boat with all our dive gear but nothing unmanageable. The second dive was pretty and by the time we were done things were settling down. Our trip back into the harbor was much calmer and we learned afterward that the storm basically passed over while we were under the water!

The daring diving trio. We laugh at tropical storms….

By Monday the skies were clear and the rest of the week was beautiful. I can only hope all our storm experiences are as non-eventful. For those anchored out it was a bit more hectic with several boats dragging anchors and one unoccupied boat drifting out not to be seen again.

We then spent Monday showing Justin around St George’s followed by a couple days at the beach. Since the restaurants and bars are right on the beach it’s easy to grab a table and then swim as the mood suits.

The tunnel to the street markets in St George’s
Lunch at Spice Island Resort. Probably the nicest place on the island

The previous week hospital ship USNS Comfort was anchored out in St George’s Harbor providing medical attention to anyone in need. Part of their mission is establishing friendships wherever they are and to further that they put on a concert in town. The Navy band The Navigators performed with a local band and everyone had a great time.

The Navigators
A really nice concert with our friends Olive and Richard.