Marina Life

While repairs are being done on the Laa-Dee-Dah, we’ve been spending the odd week here and there on board getting everything put away where we can hopefully find it and minor repairs that we are equipped to do.

We love the boat and look forward to living on her full time. Marina life has been interesting on several levels. I’m sure it’s different from marina to marina much like life in a land based home is different neighborhood to neighborhood.

Some observations on the Ft. Lauderdale marina where we are currently berthed. It’s quiet during the week with more people working on boats than actually using them (no-not just our boat although we do seem to have the most workmen at any one time). Weekends get a little more traffic but not much.

There is a boat a few slips away from ours with the name Hooter Patrol III. Makes you wonder what happened to Hooter Patrol I and II. Sunk by liberal women, jealous girlfriends or ex-wives? I’ve only ever seen guys on the boat, on the far side of middle age, drinking beer. Must be a club.

And then there’s the floating tiki bar. I kid you not. A motorized tiki bar that will come in, pick up a group of people and then head out only to return a few hours later and the group leaves. We first noticed it one evening while on the flybridge having wine. I only saw the top of it go by at first and thought perhaps I’d had a little too much wine. Silly me!