Summer Update- Happy 4th of July!

We arrived back at National Harbor May 5th and have been playing catch up ever since. Gary’s working a couple days a week just to keep busy and we’re doing minor repairs and updates.

Things we learned during our winter in the islands:

First, we need additional freezer space as fresh vegetables and fruit are hard to come by on the small islands. We also have acquired a bread maker for the same reason. You can get white bread most anywhere but anything else is a rarity.

Second, Gary is much more extroverted than I am (surprise). After a few days anchored out he starts to get restless. So next winter we’ll be more proactive about meeting people. Perhaps we’ll start randomly inviting people from neighboring boats back for a byob happy hour.

Third, a forward looking radar would be really handy because the coral heads pop up out of nowhere in the mid and southern Bahamas. We kissed one heading into Nassau (scraped off the barnacles, nothing more) but it was in the designated channel and we thought erroneously that we had enough depth.

So the plan is to leave here on September 15th, put in at Deltaville for a week for some updates (two new chairs on the flybridge YEA) and then start working south to Wilmington NC. We’ll be there for a week or two and then look to be in Jekyll Island until November 1st when we can head to Ft Lauderdale for the big maintenance item- sandblasting and repainting the hull. While it’s out of the water that forward looking radar will be installed as well.

Looking to be in the Bahamas by December 1st this year. We’ll pick up where we left off at Nassau and head south from there. So if anyone wants to plan a warm winter vacation let us know and we’ll plan a meet up somewhere. We have dive and snorkel equipment aboard and I’m looking at a kayak for something different to do.

There won’t be any more updates until we get underway in the fall.

Here’s a couple photos from the fireworks last night at the Springfield Golf and Country Club. Happy 4th to everyone!