Underway Again. At last!

Well it’s been a long four months at National Harbor but we are finally underway on our trek south dodging debris on the Potomac.

Some thoughts about National Harbor. It’s not a bad marina and quieter than you would think. The restaurants are pricey and service is spotty. We did find a couple very good restaurants during our time there. Bond 45 is very nice. John Edward is the manager and always made sure we had a stellar experience. Hint: tell them it’s date night when you make your reservation. Another noteworthy restaurant is Voltaggia at the MGM.

The ferris wheel at National Harbor
“The Awakening” became “The Drowning” with all the rain this past summer.

We bought season tickets for the Potomac Water Taxi that goes between Georgetown, The Wharf, Alexandria and National Harbor. When it worked it was great but they seem to have a loose definition of the word schedule. Many times they would either cancel a return trip (once you were on board) or just close for a few days.

We met some wonderful boating friends this summer and had a number of impromptu “drinks and nibbles”. It was great fun checking out each others’ boats. Large, small, sail or power, everyone has great ideas on storage and how to manage life aboard. I freely stole from everyone!

To all our friends and golfing buddies at SGCC we’ll miss you! Over the past eight years I’ve learned to play golf from the best. We even picked up a few wine and cigar friends along the way. We’ll be back to visit, play a round and have a sip with you.

Our plan is to head to Ft Lauderdale for the last of our boat maintenance/improvements before crossing over to the Bahamas December 1st. We’ll spend seven months working our way through the islands to get south of Grenada before June 1st and the hurricane season. Looking forward to turquoise water and all that brings with it.

I’ll go back to posting updates each week, more often if something exciting happens. If you’d like to visit please give us a call or email and we’ll try to work out arrival and departure locations and times.

Next stop is Norview Marina in Deltaville, VA for chair installation and a rebuild of the windlass. Until then, fair winds and safe travels.