Hurricanes Go Away!

Docked at Atlantic Yacht Basin we got the port stabilizer repaired. It had stopped working on the way from Deltaville to Hampton. Hurricane Michael blew thru Thursday night with minimal fuss. Friday dawned and it was a beautiful day. Let’s go! Oh, not so fast. Seems although Michael didn’t give us much in the way of wind or rain it was enough to flood the entire area. We’re on a boat, no problem right?

Uh, no. We had a total of two bridges to get through heading south. Two small swing brides that are about 3 feet off the water. Seems the flooding buried the electrical junction boxes and until the water receded and they could dry out the system the bridges were fixed in the closed position. All day Friday and into Saturday morning we sat at the dock just waiting. At 11am we got word the bridges were operating and you should have seen the exodus!

LaaDeeDah finally leaving the dock at AYB

We’re now a few hours south and heading for an anchorage at the top of Abamarle Sound for the night. If the weather finally cooperates we should be in Wilmington midday Tuesday.



Being chased by sailboats on the ICW