And The Fun Begins

We had a nice visit in the DC area with friends and family, got all the pesky doctor appointments done and have now been back in Grenada for a week. It took a couple days to get everything back in order but everything is now back to normal.

A special shout out to our boat neighbors Olive and Richard who were kind enough to take care of and spoil Isabella during our absence. She continues to amaze us.

One of the reasons to stay in Grenada for the summer/fall if not the main reason is hurricane season. Grenada is rarely bothered by hurricanes and so is deemed “safe” from an insurance standpoint to wait out the weather. That doesn’t mean we don’t have to pay attention tho. Grenada was hammered by Ivan  in 2004 so we continue our daily weather briefings. At the moment the first tropical storm Dorian is preparing to flash by north of us in what experts are cautioning may be a very active storm season.

Of course if something does spike to hurricane force and heads to Grenada we always have plan B. B for Bonaire which is about a 48 hour transit due west. And yes they have been hit by hurricanes before too but staying put and “weathering” a hurricane just isn’t in the cards for us. We’ve talked with people who have done that on a boat and they all say they wouldn’t do it again. So we’ll wait and watch and see what develops.

In the meantime the marina is getting quiet. Although there are a lot of boats here, people are thin on the ground. Seems like most people lock down their boats and head out elsewhere for the season. There is a hard core group of us here but several boats will be heading west over the next month or so leaving even fewer of us.




We won’t be posting for the next few weeks as we’re in the states visiting friends and family as we catch up on all our annual doctor visits.

But here is a picture of Isabella looking about as tragic as she can be protesting our departure.