Dorian: The Guest That Wouldn’t Leave

After sitting on Abacos, Bahamas for more than 48 hours Dorian slowly moved west and north. Thank goodness it just glanced the lower eastern seaboard, missing Daytona, Myrtle Beach and Wilmington where we have friends and family. At last count Dorian made landfall a total of five times, bringing extensive damage each time. Total travel time was a couple weeks thru the Caribbean, Bahamas and north thru Nova Scotia.

I’d like to think that because of the severity that will be the only one to worry about this season but since it’s only early September we’ve got eyes wide open.

We are managing to get out for lunch at new restaurants either on our own or with friends at least once each week. There are so many restaurants it’s really not difficult.

One of our lunchtime adventures took us to a cute restaurant on the point at Carnage called Sails. Great food, nice views and a wonderful breeze.

Looking up the Carnege at the working boats and ferry.


If you look carefully you can see our marina in the distance.

We forgot to take our camera for diving yesterday and so missed what would have been a spectacular picture of two lion fish, one large the other a little smaller tucked inside a barrel sponge sleeping. It’s now lobster season so I’m trying to talk the dive masters into letting me bring along a net bag and glove to pick up a couple of the many lobsters we see on our dives. Not sure how that will play out.