Rain, Rain Go Away

It is the rainy season but some days it just rains all day. Even tho we’ve been seeing regular rain in St George’s apparently the eastern side of the island has been getting a little dry to the point that their reservoirs are only half full. So on days like today  I console myself with the fact that it’s good for the island and we didn’t really have any outside activity that we HAD to do today.

On Sunday we decided to run over to Silver Sands to check out their lunch offerings only to find out they are closed for the month. Of course we found this out as our taxi was becoming a blip on the horizon. So we walked up the hill around the corner and down to Coconuts on Grand Anse Beach and lucked into a great lunch complete with steel band entertainment! Some things were just meant to be.

                                      The steel drums at Coconuts.

Of course we went diving yesterday even tho it was raining off and on. If you’re going to get in the water and get wet what matters a little rain, right? Because of the rain it was a little darker than normal underwater and things that usually only come out at dusk were starting to emerge. Fun!

                 In the very center the picture is an arrow crab.
This little eel (4-5 ft) decided it was dark enough to come out and look for food.
Sometimes I feel like I’m diving in an aquarium.
Albert, one of our dive boat operators who also happens to clean the bottom of our boat every six weeks.

The current was also a bit stronger than usual. I should have known something was up when Ron, our dive master, casually asked if anyone would have problems with stronger currents. Of course that meant in reality that we had to swim against the current to stay over the reef on our second dive. Otherwise we would have been swept out into deeper water. Not a safety issue but we wouldn’t have seen much. After a 50 minute dive of constant motion on top of a deep dive on the Bianca C ( a very nice wreck dive) we definitely had naps in our future when we got back to the Laa Dee Dah.

                                Participating in the underwater olympics…

We also learned how to play Grenada Train Dominos last week with couples from the two boats next to us. It takes every bit as long as Monopoly. With a few libations and nice munchies we had a great afternoon. Definitely something we would do again.