Hellos and Goodbyes

One of the things we truly love about boating is meeting new friends. It’s easy and fun to learn about new people and hear their backstories. Let’s face it. There’s already a common interest, boating. Add to that the fact that boaters are usually very friendly and the conversation flows. Add a couple “sundowners” and friendships are born.

Kaz and Liza

A concern we had, albeit a small one, about being in Grenada for so many months with boats within feet on either side was who would our neighbors be? When we pulled into Port Louis in late May, we docked next to a 55’ Nordhaven, Chinatsu. The owners were gone so it was very quiet. Within a week or so another boat docked on our starboard side, a 46’ catamaran. People got off, people got on and it took a couple days to discover that a lovely couple Liza and Kaz, had bought the boat and just taken delivery. They would be with us for a couple months before leaving the marina to anchor out and do some day sailing. We still meet them for lunch every couple weeks and keep in touch.

The owners of the Nordhaven? Olive and Richard have become dear friends. We played together all summer with lots of restaurant exploration, golfing, and many, many sundowners across the bows. We discovered that between Gary and Richard they have a tool and a spare part for most any contingency. Unfortunately Chinatsu departed yesterday for Bonaire and points west, eventually heading to New Zealand. We’ve promised to visit them in Fiji if not sooner. They will always have a place to stay wherever we are.

Richard and Olive for a final dinner before leaving.
Saying goodbye to Chinatsu.

We’re also starting to hear from people we met last winter/spring as they migrate back and start putting their boats in the water for the season. Plans are being made to connect up at various points and I’m sure we will have a fun trip back up the islands.

In the meantime we’ve hung up our golf clubs and are diving twice a week instead. The visibility gets better each week and we’re logging some fun dives with lots of creature sightings.

Lion fish like to shelter in sponges.
There are actually several lobsters hiding under the coral. I counted enough antenna for three!
Banded coral shrimp hiding in a sponge

With departure from Grenada only a month away we’re starting the process of provisioning the boat and getting the last minute stuff done like cleaning the bottom and a clean and wax job topside. We’ll pick up a second kayak tomorrow and see if that isn’t easier then using the dinghy all the time.