Week Two of Captivity…

Cap Cana, DR

As the coronavirus rages across the world we are tucked away in Cap Cana, Dominican Republic. A very nice marina/resort with not many people around.

We have a curfew in effect from 8pm until 6am each day. The rental cars have stopped renting and we are becoming more reliant on friends we’ve met in the marina for runs to the grocery store. We’ve also made the acquaintance of Edward, who is the local “go to” guy. If you need it, he can get it. Thank you Jahrold for the tip! Jahrold owns Amazing Marine here in the marina, a local sundries store and we met him one of the first nights we were here when the restaurants were still open.

We will go to the grocery store on Friday compliments of Wally who lives on a catamaran just down from us. He lives here permanently and has a car. Everyone here has been very kind and helpful. We have multiple offers of “whatever you need just let us know!”

In the meantime we’re using our down time to make repairs on various parts of the boat and cleaning it. Trying to do one or two little projects each day and then take a long walk on the beach or kayak excursion. The marina/resort is rather large and connected by various canals so kayaking has become our way of exploring the area.

Kayaking in the marina, DR

Everyone is taking the virus threat seriously so although there has been a fair amount of social interaction it’s been at a distance. Each evening we sit on the back of our boat with drinks and a cigar for Gary. That is the time that a lot of people are out walking trying to get some exercise. As they pass our boat, conversations are struck up and we get to know people that are in the various condos. Everything from the couple from Texas to the Russians from Evansville, Indiana (!) to the many Venezualans that have emigrated here. Wally is from Germany. It’s quite the international community.

Cap Cana, DR
Cap Cana, DR

We’re trying to keep abreast of what is happening in the rest of the world thru the internet and texts and emails from friends. The downside of this marina is that they do not provide wifi so we’re using our data plans. For the first time ever I used up my monthly data in less than a week (damn streaming netflix!) and am now on a time out. Gary has taken much glee in this situation as he is usually the data hog. Oh well. Guess I’ll find out what happens on Newsroom when we get back to the states.

Cap Cana Marina, DR. Our home for the next month or so….