Week Three of Captivity…

Upside Down Mangrove Jellyfish, Cap Cana Marina, DR. this guy was about 6-8 inches across and just off the back of our boat.

As the coronavirus continues to escalate we are in the midst of an island lockdown. The Bahamas has completely closed and will not even let anyone traverse their waters which means we have no way of getting back to the US until they reopen. Since we aren’t in a hurry to leave it’s not a huge issue.

Projections all seem to point to late April/early May as the peak infection level for the islands and east coast of US. We now have until July 1st to be back in NC. So if we leave here by June 1st we can do it.

The local curfew has been updated to 5pm -6am although within the confines of Cap Cana it seems to be more relaxed as we see people out walking every evening.

Cap Cana, DR
Cap Cana, DR

We continue to walk/kayak most days. The good news is that Gary was able to figure out the resort wifi and we now have vouchers for free wifi. Netflix is back baby!

The label says it all

On a side note, one of the fun things about traveling all the islands is the ever changing selection of food at the grocery stores. French islands are primarily supplied by France, UK Commonwealth islands by  the UK, US islands by the US, etc. One of the things I bought on St Lucia was pickles for Gary. I admit it. I bought them strictly because I loved the label! But Gary liked them anyway.