Dirt Dwellers Again!

It’s been a busy couple of months back in the states. We docked in Dania Beach on a Tuesday and on Wednesday received our first Covid shots. On Thursday we met with Ralph from the boatyard to talk about what needed to be done on the Laa-Dee-Dah over the next several weeks. In passing he mentioned how hot the boat market was at the moment and that got us to thinking.

We had intended to put Laa-Dee-Dah up for sale in November and head to the Chesapeake for the summer. However, things change. WE were ready for a change. So Friday morning saw us in a pow wow with Brad of Atlantic Yacht and Ship and Dave from Gillen Diesel.

We’ve pulled the trigger and our much loved, sometimes frustrating Laa-Dee-Dah went on the market in May.

It’s been a whirlwind but we’re now settled in a cute triplex off the Cape Fear River. In the space of a couple weeks we found a place to live, bought furniture, put the furniture together (a whole other story), arranged for haul out of Laa-Dee-Dah for final repairs and settled in. We’ll rent for a year until the market stabilizes a bit and then look to buy a place.

We’ve also started adding to our family with a new kitten, Munchkin. She will be joined by another kitten once we get her settled and cleared by the vet.

Munchkin, our little bundle of fur.
Polka dots on her belly!

We said going into this it was a three to five year adventure. We cruised to some wonderful islands and met incredible people, some we expect to be lifelong friends.

We’ll continue to go diving. Fiji is on the horizon. We’ll play some golf and look around for other things to do to entertain ourselves. We’re actively checking out the local restaurant scene and finding some nice places to take friends as well as some fun local hangouts.

Now on to the next adventure!