Lots of rain yesterday along with current going one way and wind another resulted in us bailing early on our plan to make it as far as Beaufort SC. Everything was okay until after lunch when the wind changed and we started just pounding the waves. Thought to ride it out but when the galley cabinet door flew open for the third time and the balsamic vinegar finally escaped to crash to the floor and shatter the decision was made that enough was enough.
So we headed for an inlet off St Catherine’s Island and ducked into the ICW for calmer waters. The lesson learned was that it’s good to know your limits and it’s especially good when they are lower than that of the boat.
Thru it all Isabella slept on her bed below and didn’t make a peep. She also didn’t eat much but that’s because she’s a smart kitty!
We’re at Thunderbolt Marine this rainy morning getting the transmission oil changed as required because of the transmission rebuild. Heading to Beaufort to pick up a part and then on to Charleston for dinner and overnight.