I’m sure everyone is familiar with the iconic song Hotel California and the line “you can check in but you can never check out”. Well we are in Hotel Florida Boatyard. We are starting week five on a two week project. Yes I know there was Thanksgiving and we lost a few days there. Then there were a couple emergencies and the guys had to be pulled from our boat to handle those. But enough is enough. WE NEED TO LEAVE! Problem is that even if they finished tomorrow we can’t go anywhere cause the weather is really not friendly to cross to the Bahamas right now. Hopefully by this weekend we will be outta here!
At least the boat is back in the water and we’re back aboard. Isabella is a much happier kitty and we are now in the midst of provisioning the boat.
In the meantime we’ve seen a few movies, played golf a few times and even managed to drive up to Palm Beach to have dinner with some boating friends that were passing through. Gary flew to Alabama to see his Dad and I managed to get back to Virginia to see my Mom for her 95th birthday.
The boat has new bottom paint and the props have been clear coated. We have a new forward looking sonar as well as a new single side band radio. There are a few other little goodies on board like a new air compressor so we can fill our scuba tanks ourselves, as well as some cosmetic fixes that were bothering us.
Christmas decorating on our boat is rather minimalistic but we do have a new addition that will show up in a future post.
But for now here are some pictures that we thought were entertaining.