Goodbye Exumas, Hello Eluthera

Dropping into the Aquarium, O’Brians Cay, Bahamas

The Exumas is probably my favorite place in The Bahamas. From stunning anchorages to crystal clear water, it can’t be beat. As much as we loved it,  it was time to move on to Eluthera and our slow journey back to the states.

Sampson Cay

But before we left the Exumas we still had a few places to visit. A stop at Staniel Cay to provision and we discovered the better anchorage is Sampson Cay just around the corner. For a slightly longer dinghy ride you get a beautiful anchorage with only a couple other boats. It’s a private island with signs posted and a couple nice houses but the water was crystal clear and I took the opportunity to float around for the afternoon. A stingray brought a friend out to visit and check everything out.

The water is amazingly clear in the Exumas. Sampson Cay, Bahamas
Sampson Cay, Bahamas
Stingray with friend. Sampson Cay, Bahamas


Aquarium, Bahamas
Aquarium, Bahamas
The route into O’Brians Cay is circuitous and required us to go in at high tide. We anchored near the 23.

From there we travelled outside and up just past Cambridge Cay to O’Brians Cay, home of the Aquarium, a well known snorkeling site. It’s not called the Aquarium for nothing as we dropped in on a huge school of fish and a very active reef. The anchorage was just off of an island owned by Johnny Depp. Although we kept an eye out there were no sightings, pirate or otherwise.

Queen Angelfish, Aquarium, O’Brians Cay, Bahamas

While hanging out we were visited by friends that had been docked a couple boats down from us in Grenada. They were snorkeling and saw our boat so came over to say hi and catch up. 

The weather was up and down so we took the opening when we got it and headed across to Eluthera a day early taking advantage of good sea conditions. 

Sunset at Cape Eluthera Marina

We are currently at Cape Eluthera Marina and will be here for a week or so while the winds have a party and kick up some serious wave action. It’s a nice marina with a decent restaurant, a dive shop and marina staff that is superb. We took the opportunity to go diving today, something we haven’t done since we’ve arrived here. Unfortunately because our underwater camera drowned we have no pictures. So although we saw a huge turtle we have no proof. Guess it’s like fishing and the one that got away.